Thursday, February 14, 2013

Finding the Time

It's hard to find the time to sit down and write - which is frustrating because when I DO have the time, it's usually after a loooong day of getting up early, getting three kids fed/dressed/out the door (and THAT in itself is a FULL day....), going to work at my "real" job, coming home, making dinner, feed our insanely chubby pug, throwing a load of laundry in, unloading/then loading the dishwasher, running various children to various activities, coming home, bathing said children, putting said children to bed (and that is a 2-hour affair - my little beasts are night owls, bless their hearts), then folding some laundry, picking up toys/underwear/socks/shoes/papers/etc, getting hubby up and ready for work (he works nights and is still practically comatose when he wakes up - therefore he requires much white glove treatment to get him out the door to work), taking our incontinent pug (aka insanely chubby pug) out many (MAAAANY) times for bathroom breaks, and then THEN MAYBE sitting down - it is usually around 11 p.m. or later when this happens.

I am friggin tired by this time. I have lots of ideas bumping around but usually I'm just so tired I can't even look at my laptop, much less open it and start writing.

I try to write at least 5 days out of 7. I think this is a good balance for me. And, for now, it's what works best.

I see writing as the ultimate "me" time...I can lose myself in the world I've created and, for the most part, the writing just flows. I've had moments of writers' block and when that happens I don't even try to fight it. I just close up shop, grab my Kindle or one of a stack of unread magazines, put on some shameful TV (The Bachelor/ette anyone?) and just veg out...I figure if I'm not writing, the next best thing is to be long as I find the time to work (and I think if you are a writer, then reading is still "working") it's not wasted time (unlike watching The Bachelor....if I say it's just background noise, will you believe me?!).

Happy Reading and Writing! :)

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