Monday, January 28, 2013

When Inspiration Hits

I cannot, for the life of me, comprehend why I get the best ideas when I cannot write them a continuing theme of my posts, the best ideas come when peeing or driving...well played, my Muse, well played.

In any event, I think I have the "hook" to my series and to my main character. Storyboarding is still god-awful-sucktastic for me, but I'm trying. I need to find a program that I can easily do this on...If I had a dedicated "office" space, I could just white board but, alas, I do not.

My ideas just solidify the world my characters live's very much a modern-day world, just one that has some freaky stuff going on that most of the peeps don't know about. This includes new characters (I literally brainstormed 3 last night right off the top of my head, including dialogue - none of which I was able to write down) and a possible rewrite of the scene I'm in the midst of finishing. 

I knew, I've always known, that writing is hard. This process really makes me wish we had the means for me to stay home and do it full time. I'm guessing as the kids get older and do not require so much hands-on, this will become easier. 

I love the behind-the-scenes stuff...the research and background that most readers have no clue even happens. Even if a writer doesn't actually write about, say, a characters religious beliefs the writer still has to KNOW what they are - because with almost 100% certainty that will affect their entire world view. There's a great form that I've used (it's a HUGE mamma-jamma) to create characters - it literally touches on every single aspect - physical, emotional, intellectual, psychological, etc. If I can find it, I will post it. 

It's a great day where I am (PA) to stay home and read (or write or research, etc.). I am at work (SHHHHH!!!!!!!!) but I'm leaving soon....hoping the kids keep it together so I can get some stuff done. Fingers crossed. 

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