Monday, January 28, 2013

When Inspiration Hits

I cannot, for the life of me, comprehend why I get the best ideas when I cannot write them a continuing theme of my posts, the best ideas come when peeing or driving...well played, my Muse, well played.

In any event, I think I have the "hook" to my series and to my main character. Storyboarding is still god-awful-sucktastic for me, but I'm trying. I need to find a program that I can easily do this on...If I had a dedicated "office" space, I could just white board but, alas, I do not.

My ideas just solidify the world my characters live's very much a modern-day world, just one that has some freaky stuff going on that most of the peeps don't know about. This includes new characters (I literally brainstormed 3 last night right off the top of my head, including dialogue - none of which I was able to write down) and a possible rewrite of the scene I'm in the midst of finishing. 

I knew, I've always known, that writing is hard. This process really makes me wish we had the means for me to stay home and do it full time. I'm guessing as the kids get older and do not require so much hands-on, this will become easier. 

I love the behind-the-scenes stuff...the research and background that most readers have no clue even happens. Even if a writer doesn't actually write about, say, a characters religious beliefs the writer still has to KNOW what they are - because with almost 100% certainty that will affect their entire world view. There's a great form that I've used (it's a HUGE mamma-jamma) to create characters - it literally touches on every single aspect - physical, emotional, intellectual, psychological, etc. If I can find it, I will post it. 

It's a great day where I am (PA) to stay home and read (or write or research, etc.). I am at work (SHHHHH!!!!!!!!) but I'm leaving soon....hoping the kids keep it together so I can get some stuff done. Fingers crossed. 

Sunday, January 27, 2013

If you write it then you should put a face on it...

To start with, I should say that I hear the title of this post to Beyonce's "If you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it"....

I'm trying to find pictures of people who look like my characters do in my head...which is so much harder than I thought. I don't have problems with the female lead. The male lead is a problem, though - he's got some body art and while I do not expect to find anyone who has what I envision in my head, I was hoping to find someone who is representative of what I've got in my head....not necessarily for public consumption, but rather to give me a concrete vision as I write. A lot of the Google images are EXTREME and that's NOT what I'm going for....and not what I enjoy looking at so I Google very cautiously.

Anyway, writing is slow going - life has been kicking my behind lately. Between kids, husband, housework, and "real" work, I've had not a ton of time to write.

But I persevere and I'm hopeful to have a finished first draft in another few months.

If you read this and you know of any good websites for pictures of people, let me know.

As of midnight, I have discovered all kinds of hunky night is complete, my mind is at ease...

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Books to Fangirl about

Taking a break from blogging about my current writing process (this weekend sucked ass and that's all I'll say) so I'm writing now as a reader, I have to say I am SO looking forward to several books coming out in the next several months. So I thought I'd put out there a brief-ish list of books I'm dying to read...

1. Richelle Mead's The Indigo Spell  - February 12, 2013
  • I don't want to say I'm in love with the male lead of this series (the Bloodlines series)...I don't want to say it but I will - I LOVE Adrian Ivashkov. He is a seriously excellent character and, personally, I think one of the top 3 characters that Richelle Mead has ever created. I've read all her stuff and I'm a serious fan. I actually prefer the Bloodlines series over the Vampire Academy series. I was less than satisfied with how Rose (the VA's lead) got her happy ending...I won't say too much in the offchance someone is actually reading this and is thinking about picking up either series. Both series' are good, both are definitely worth picking up...I just prefer the pacing, story, and characters of Bloodlines more.
2. Tammara Weber's Between The Lines #4 (as yet untitled) - Spring/Summer 2013
  • I first read "Easy" by this author and was blown away. Intense subject matter that was honestly and delicately handled. This was my first real foray into the indie publishing market and I think the first time I realized that "GOOD" writers don't have to have official publishing deals. I moved on to her BTL series and I loved each book more and more - the 3rd one "Good for You" was, in my opinion, the best of the bunch (felt more like "Easy" in its tone - it's got some OMG moments, some literal rip-your-heart-out-and-cry moments and some PG-13 steamy moments) and I really love Reid Alexander. The 4th is a continuation of Reid and Dory's story and I have a gut feeling that there will be D-R-A-M-A, based on some foreshadowing hints.
3. Richelle Mead's The Fiery Heart - Fall 2013 
  • Yes, yes I love RM that much. She has THREE books out in 2013 (and I dread to think what that means for 2014...I'm hoping there isn't an RM absence....) and one of those is the 4th Bloodlines book. I am looking forward to this book solely based on the fact that I love this series. Seriously.
4. Richelle Mead's Gameboard of the Gods - June 2013 
  • Don't judge me. And, NO, I'm not a stalker. I just love her writing. This is the first novel of a new adult series - it seems very different from her other adult series so I'm looking forward to reading this one. I'm not 100% sold on the story, just based on the official synopsis, but since I'm such a RM fan, I think I will enjoy the story no matter what.
5. S.C. Stephen's Reckless - 2013 
  • I've read the other 2 books in this trilogy and, while I was seriously angry at Kiera (the female lead) for a good portion of the books, I was also totally invested in Kellan (the male lead). This author has a paranormal series that I haven't read...but it's on my "To Read" List (which is currently at like 100 and growing more each day...le' sigh). Also, just saw on Goodreads that she has another, non-paranormal-y (YES I made that word up - stop judging) book out in 2014 (WHAT?!) called Not A Chance. And yes I have marked that one "To Read" as well. 
6. Jamie McGuire's Walking Disaster - April 2, 2013
  • I sort of love the idea of a story from the opposite POV, which is what this is. It's the story from Beautiful Disaster but told from the male lead's POV.I guess to some readers that may seem lazy, but TRUST it is NOT. You have to completely re-invent the "voice" of the novel - especially when it's first person. You see and hear and think things that may not have been on the surface the first time around. And there was a shit-ton of drama in BD so I'm really anticipating seeing it all from Travis' POV for WD.
7. Wendy Higgins - Sweet Peril - April 2013
  • An EXCELLENT Angel-based series - really cool take on Nephilim, much different from anything else I've read. The male lead....holy friggin crapballs. Trust me....just...I can't....just trust me. The first in this series is Sweet Evil and there was, I believe, WAAAAAY TOO MOTHER-LOVING LONG between books - in reality, it will be about one year. Sweet Evil was published by HarperTeen and there was lots of waiting to see if they would pick up the whole, WHY?!?! Happy ending: they did! Seriously, if you like the whole "star-crossed lovers" thing - read this series - it's got some very interesting twists that makes this more than just an average teen paranormal romance. The 3rd (Sweet Reckoning) is about 1/2 done, per Wendy...if the Publishing Gods are with us, it could be out late this year? Please?
8. Kimberly Knight - Wanted - 2013
  • This is the second in the B&S Series and I am very anxiously awaiting it. The first, Where I Need To Be, is a steamy adult romance. I think we could all use a "Brandon" in our lives...he is serious dreamboat material. And I LOVE that Spencer is a strong gal who is not afraid to ask the tough questions. I'm really looking forward to the continuation of their story....
Ok, I think I've blown your mind enough. These are just some of the authors I'm fangirling on right now...LOTS of good stuff out there...and my list has a mix of indie and pub house authors. 


I'm going looking for my muse...she's playing Hide And Seek...

Friday, January 18, 2013

To tell or not to tell...that is the bitch of the question...

I have finally told my husband I was writing a novel. I'm not going to say he was a dick about it, but I don't think he knows that I can write and he's not a reader so he doesn't understand the intrinsic NEED to have to write. He just gave me this look that said he thought it was the most ridiculous thing he'd ever heard. To be fair, he did try to ask about it, but I told him I wasn't discussing the details yet. 

I've told some girls I went to school with - a few of my best girl friends. Again, no big details but I just wanted to tell someone - it makes it real, which is scary, but necessary. 

Some more random thoughts:

I have discovered I have the best ideas when I'm driving or peeing. I have no idea why this is - maybe my brain is most relaxed then?

The drip, drip, drip of a probable pipe issue in my kitchen (part of my ceiling came down - no major damage, thankfully) is NOT conducive to creativity. 

When I watch QVC, I want to buy waaaaay too many beauty products....for some reason, paying $90 for something online/from TV seems way more reasonable than $90 in a store. I will not be shocked if my husband calls the cable company to put a lock on that channel...

I get very hungry when I write....I anticipate that this novel will gestate like my human spawn...fingers crossed I don't gain 40-60 pounds with this one...

My pug is insane. Her insanity is tangible in that she licks - constantly. If you have never had the pleasure of hearing a dog lick (the air....nothing but the air FOR HOURS) INCESSANTLY then you haven't really lived....

--End Random Thoughts--

So anyway, I think every day I get a little more comfortable in the world I've created.

**FYI: I just ordered something from QVC...don't tell my husband...**

Back to building - yes, ok, well I'm more and more comfortable. That means, however, that I'm afraid I'm writing WAAAAAY too much. Also, I am worried my lead curses too much so I'm trying to cut back without losing his voice. 

I have a bit more writing to do tonight - I'd like to hit 5,000 words tonight (I'm at just over 4,300 now) and I have a big day tomorrow - shopping, baby shower, dinner out with hubby and friends....I'll also probably throw in a few loads of laundry, cleaning up dishes, and taping off the trim around my walls downstairs since I will be priming to repaint this weekend. Add to that I want to write another 5,000 words by Monday night and research pacing of writers I admire....I have no idea when or how I will get it all done....but here I go!


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Go big or go home...wait, I'm already AT home...

I'm on day 3 of writing consistently and I have just shy of 3500 words, which is crazy to me. It's a far cry from the 80,000 (which is my goal) and it's a daunting task to get there but I'm feeling good about it.

Some random thoughts:

I still suck at storyboarding - right now I'm just writing. I foresee having to completely rewrite/rearrange entire chapters or sections once I'm finished.

I have to pay more attention to world building. So far I'm not too deep in that I will make mistakes and I think I have things locked down in my head but clearly I will need to have a reference for later, especially if my plans follow through and I DO make this a trilogy.

I didn't drink nearly enough coffee today.

I have a stack of magazines, a few e-magazines, and at least one e-book to read and I'm not sure if I would rather write or not. I've definitely reached my self-set quota for the day so I could just curl up with some reading and chill.

My goal for the end of the weekend (and it's a long weekend because of MLK holiday) is 10,000 words total - yes it's a STEEP goal but I think I have to go big or go home....and since I'm already AT home, I guess I'm left with no choice but to go big.

There a few authors whose pacing I as part of my research this weekend I am going to look at where they were in the pacing of their books when they were approximately 1/8 of the way done.

I'm afraid of dragging scenes out - I am sure there are things I can (and, if I'm honest, that I should) cut. Based on that, I guess I should set my initial goal at 85,000 but I'll be content with even a 75k - 80k word book.

Well kids, I'm tired. My husband is yelling at the Xbox. The kids are in bed and alseep - finally. The pug is snoring. All in all - a night pretty conducive to just vegging out with some mindless reading.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

In the immortal words of Nike (the shoe conglomerate not the Goddess): JUST DO IT (as long as IT is what you love)

I have a confession to make. I have people in my head. Not in the mentally unstable sort of way...although I guess if you don't write you may not understand what that means. Simply, it means I have characters bumping around in my head asking to get out. For years, I've been preoccupied with other things: school, work, husband, house, kids, pets. I put aside writing anything other than school papers for a long, long time. But it really is my love. I am a voracious reader - and, after seeing the advent of indie writers, I've decided to try my hand. I write when I can - usually lunchbreak at work and at night after kiddos are asleep. I'm averaging about 500 words a day which is actually not bad considering I work full-time, have 3 kids with activities, a husband who works nights (I affectionally call myself a Third-Shift-Widow) and therefore isn't around a lot, and a house to try to keep in order (that is a failing battle, but they'll be more on that later, I'm sure).

So this blog is going to start as a chronicle of the writing process of my first novel. It may evolve into something else but, for now, I'll be pouring the blood, sweat, and tears of my writing into this blog.

Ok, now that the mundane pleasantries are out of the way....

I'm a huge fan of the YA genre, specifically the New Adult or Mature YA. So that's where my focus is. I'm creating my own contemporary paranormal world - I realize this market is saturated so I'm trying to do a few things a little differently.

My main character is a 19-year-old boy. I have not found it difficult slipping into the head of a teenage boy so I'm not sure exactly what that says about me. 

What IS difficult is finding the right balance between introducing the world without doing more telling than showing. I struggled, very much so, with trying to introduce my main character's name and do you get someone to talk about themself and make it believeable? I think I hammered it out but I'll definitely need a beta reader to make sure it all makes sense.    

I've got cursing (lots of it) and I'm hoping it's not gratuitous. It doesn't FEEL that feels very organic to me - it feels very much like the voice of my hero. I plan on there being some steamy action, but I think the graphic-ness is yet to be decided. I'm a big fan of either "Fade to Blacks" or WRITING the scene - wishy washy, awkward love scenes do nothing for me as a reader and if I don't want to read it myself, I sure as hell don't want to write it and subject others to it. 

I plan for this to be Book 1 in a series - right now I'm thinking trilogy.

I have discovered I'm awful at storyboarding. 

I have also discovered that I don't actually want anyone to know I'm writing. Which is awkward since I'm writing a blog on it and all...

I'm already thinking about the cover and I've Googled some indie book cover designers. I think this is a good example of spending money to make money, not that any writer decides to self-publish in the hopes they make money. My goal is to stay under $500 for a decent cover and I'm hoping that this first time out I'll be able to find free beta-ing. I have to yet to discover how realistic that is...

It's an exhausting process and I'm sort of overwhelmed just thinking about it. BUT as Judy Collins says: Do what you love, and you will find a way to get it out to the world.

So this is me....doing what I love.