Friday, January 18, 2013

To tell or not to tell...that is the bitch of the question...

I have finally told my husband I was writing a novel. I'm not going to say he was a dick about it, but I don't think he knows that I can write and he's not a reader so he doesn't understand the intrinsic NEED to have to write. He just gave me this look that said he thought it was the most ridiculous thing he'd ever heard. To be fair, he did try to ask about it, but I told him I wasn't discussing the details yet. 

I've told some girls I went to school with - a few of my best girl friends. Again, no big details but I just wanted to tell someone - it makes it real, which is scary, but necessary. 

Some more random thoughts:

I have discovered I have the best ideas when I'm driving or peeing. I have no idea why this is - maybe my brain is most relaxed then?

The drip, drip, drip of a probable pipe issue in my kitchen (part of my ceiling came down - no major damage, thankfully) is NOT conducive to creativity. 

When I watch QVC, I want to buy waaaaay too many beauty products....for some reason, paying $90 for something online/from TV seems way more reasonable than $90 in a store. I will not be shocked if my husband calls the cable company to put a lock on that channel...

I get very hungry when I write....I anticipate that this novel will gestate like my human spawn...fingers crossed I don't gain 40-60 pounds with this one...

My pug is insane. Her insanity is tangible in that she licks - constantly. If you have never had the pleasure of hearing a dog lick (the air....nothing but the air FOR HOURS) INCESSANTLY then you haven't really lived....

--End Random Thoughts--

So anyway, I think every day I get a little more comfortable in the world I've created.

**FYI: I just ordered something from QVC...don't tell my husband...**

Back to building - yes, ok, well I'm more and more comfortable. That means, however, that I'm afraid I'm writing WAAAAAY too much. Also, I am worried my lead curses too much so I'm trying to cut back without losing his voice. 

I have a bit more writing to do tonight - I'd like to hit 5,000 words tonight (I'm at just over 4,300 now) and I have a big day tomorrow - shopping, baby shower, dinner out with hubby and friends....I'll also probably throw in a few loads of laundry, cleaning up dishes, and taping off the trim around my walls downstairs since I will be priming to repaint this weekend. Add to that I want to write another 5,000 words by Monday night and research pacing of writers I admire....I have no idea when or how I will get it all done....but here I go!


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